Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 3 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Add a Scheduled Event

  1. Select the configuration.

    Select the configuration from the list shown after clicking the Configuration tab.

  2. Click General > Scheduled Events sub tab.

  3. Click New button.

  4. Configure the following properties:

    • Event

      • Restart Instances — This scheduled event will restart all the deployed and running instances for the configuration.

      • Reconfig Instances — This scheduled event will re—configure all the deployed and running instances for the configuration.

      • Custom Command Line — Provide the absolute path to a file that will be executed.

    • Schedule

      The configured time when the event will start. Select the hour and minutes value from the drop down box.

      • Every Day — Starts the event specified every day at the specified time.

      • Specific Days — Starts the event specified at specific days.

        1. Days — Specify any day from Sunday to Saturday.

        2. Dates — Specify any day of the month from 1 to 31 as comma separated entries. E.g. 4,23,9

      • Specific Months — Starts the event specified at the specific time and month. Specify month from January to December.

      • Interval

        Start the specified event after this time period.

        1. Every Hours — Select the number of hours from the drop down box.

        2. Every Seconds — Enter the number of seconds in the text field.

    Note –

    Using CLI

    For scheduling an event through CLI, execute the following command:

    wadm> create-event --user=admin --password-file=admin.pwd --host=serverhost 
    --port=8989 --config=config1 --time=10:10 --command=restart

    See CLI Reference, create-event(1).