Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 3 Administrator's Guide

Integrating Service Management Facility for the JavaTM Platform with Web Server

Service Management Facility for the Java Platform is a new feature in Solaris 10 that creates a unified model for services and service management on each Solaris system.

Managing Service Management Facility on Web Server Instances

The following svcadm commands helps to manage Service Management Facility on Web Server.

Note –

During installation of Web Server, you can choose to install service for Administration Server.

You can create a service, while creating an instance. Use the following command to create service while creating an instance:

wadm>create-instance <connect_options> --echo --no-prompt --verbose --force --config=<config_name> name --create-service (nodehost)+

Use the following command to create a service in an existing instance:

wadm>create-service –config=<config-name> node host

To know about creating a instance through CLI, seecreate-instance(1) see

Service Manifest for Web Server

A service is usually defined by a service manifest, an XML file which describes a service and any instances associated with that service. The service manifest is imported into the repository by using the svccfg import command. Service Management Facility requires all manifest file for services to be in the following location /var/svc/manifest.

Note –

Use delete-service command to delete the service.

Following is the sample manifest file for Web Server:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">

<!-- Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
     Use is subject to license terms. -->

<service_bundle type='manifest' name='webserver7'>
    <service name='network/http' type='service' version='1'>
        <dependency name='filesystem' grouping='require_all' restart_on='none' type='service'>
            <service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local'/>
	<instance name='admin-server' enabled='false'>
            <property_group name='start' type='method'>
                <propval name='exec' type='astring' value='/var/opt/SUWwbsvr7/admin-server/bin/startserv'/>
                <propval name='instanceRoot' type='astring' value='/var/opt/SUWwbsvr7'/>
                <propval name='timeout' type='astring' value='300'/>
            <property_group name='stop' type='method'>
                <propval name='exec' type='astring' value='/var/opt/SUWwbsvr7/admin-server/bin/stopserv'/>
                <propval name='timeout' type='astring' value='300'/>
            <property_group name='refresh' type='method'>
                <propval name='exec' type='astring' value='/var/opt/SUWwbsvr7/admin-server/bin/restartserv'/>
                <propval name='timeout' type='astring' value='300'/>
            <property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
                <propval name='ignore_error' type='astring' value='core,signal'/>
	<instance name='' enabled='false'>
            <property_group name='start' type='method'>
                <propval name='exec' type='astring' value='/var/opt/SUWwbsvr7/'/>
                <propval name='instanceRoot' type='astring' value='/var/opt/SUWwbsvr7'/>
                <propval name='timeout' type='astring' value='300'/>
            <property_group name='stop' type='method'>
                <propval name='exec' type='astring' value='/var/opt/SUWwbsvr7/'/>
                <propval name='timeout' type='astring' value='300'/>
            <property_group name='refresh' type='method'>
                <propval name='exec' type='astring' value='/var/opt/SUWwbsvr7/'/>
                <propval name='timeout' type='astring' value='300'/>
            <property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
                <propval name='ignore_error' type='astring' value='core,signal'/>
        <stability value='Evolving' />
            <loctext xml:lang='C'>Sun Java System Web Server 7</loctext>

Service Log

The service log file is located in the following directory /var/svc/log. Service log file entries contain information about the attempted action, the outcome of the action, and the cause of failure if applicable. The service logs are located as follows /var/svc/log/network-http:admin-server.log.