Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 3 管理员指南

使用 Perl 编写的授权者应用程序 (


use FCGI;

while (FCGI::accept >= 0) {
        # This value can be further decoded to get the actual 
			# username and password and then
        # perform some kind of user validation. This program only 
        # checks for the presence of
        # of this environment param and is not really bothered about its value

        print( "Status: 200\r\n" );
        print( "\r\n" );

    } else {
        print( "Status: 401\r\n" );
        print( "WWW-Authenticate: basic realm=\"foo\"\r\n" );
        print( "\r\n" );  



以上示例的 obj.conf 设置:

<Object name="responder.fcgi">
		AuthTrans fn="auth-fastcgi" app-path="/fastcgi/apps/auth/" 
		Service fn="responder-fastcgi" app-path="/foo/fastcgi-enabled-php-installation/bin/php" 
		bind-path="localhost:3433" app-env="PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=8" min-procs=1

第一次请求 http://localhost/fcgi/php/ListDir.php 时,浏览器将显示验证对话框。在用户输入用户名和密码后,将列出 "/tmp" 目录的内容。