Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 4 Administrator's Configuration File Reference


The servlet-container element can contain the following subelements:

Table 3–46 List of servlet-container Subelements





0 or 1 

Specifies how often the server checks the deployed web applications for modifications. The value can be from 1 to 60, or 0 to disable dynamic reloading. 


0 or 1 

The log verbosity for the Servlet container. The value can be finest (most verbose), finer, fine, info, warning, failure, config, security, or catastrophe (least verbose).


0 or 1 

The name of the default, or anonymous role assigned to all principals. The default role is ANYONE.


0 or 1 

The number of Servlet instances to instantiate per SingleThreadedServlet. The value can be from 1 to 4096. The default value is 5.


0 or 1 

Determines whether request dispatchers are allowed to dispatch to another context. The default is true.


0 or 1 

Determines whether any existing session ID number is reused when creating a new session for that client. The default value is false.


0 or 1 

Determines whether the Servlet container encodes cookie values. The default value is true.


0 or 1 

The maximum depth for the Servlet container allowing nested request dispatches. The value can be from 0 to 2147483647. The default value is 20.


0 or 1 

Controls the conditions under which the JSESSIONID cookie is marked secure. The value can be as follows:

  • dynamic – Marks the cookie secure only when the request is received on a secure connection

  • true - Always marks the cookie secure

  • false – Never marks the cookie secure

The default value is dynamic.