Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 5 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications

ProcedureTo Install the HPROF Profiler

  1. Access the Admin Console.

  2. Click the Edit Java Settings tab in the home page.

    The JVM General Settings screen appears.

  3. Click Profilers.

  4. Click New.

    The Create JVM Profiler popup appears.

  5. Type the Name and select the JVM Profiler option to enable the profiler. Leave the Class Path and Native Library Path fields blank.

  6. Click New to configure the JVM options.

  7. Click OK.

    Edit the server.xml file as appropriate

    <! --hprof options -->
    <profiler name="hprof" enabled="true"

    Note –

    Do not use the -Xrs flag.

    Here is an example of options you can use:


    The file option is important because it determines where the stack dump is written in step 6.

    The syntax of HPROF options is as follows:

    -Xrunhprof[:help]|[:option=value,option2=value2, ...]

    Using help lists options that can be passed to HPROF. The output is as follows:

    Hprof usage: -Xrunhprof[:help]|[:<option>=<value>, ...]
    Option Name and Value Description Default
    heap=dump|sites|all heap profiling allcpu=samples|old CPU 
    usage offformat=a|b ascii or binary output 
    afile=<file> write data to file java.hprof(.txt for ascii)
    net=<host>:<port> send data over a socket write to filedepth=<size> 
    stack trace depth 4cutoff=<value> 
    output cutoff point 0.0001lineno=y|n line number in traces? 
    ythread=y|n thread in traces? ndoe=y|n dump on exit? y
  8. Change the PRODUCT_BIN assignment in the /install_dir/instance_dir/bin/startserv file from:

    PRODUCT_BIN=webservd-wdog to PRODUCT_BIN=webservd

  9. Start the server by running the startserv script.

    As the server runs in the foreground, the command prompt returns only after the server has been stopped.

  10. Find the process ID of the server process in another window or terminal.

    % ps -ef | grep webservd

    This command lists two webservd processes. Look at the PPID (parent process ID) column and identify which of the two processes is the parent process and which is the child process. Note the PID (process ID) of the child process ID.

  11. Send a SIGQUIT signal (signal 3) to the child process:

    % kill -QUIT child_PID

  12. Run the stopserv script from another window to stop the Web Server.

    % ./stopserv

    Stopping the server writes an HPROF stack dump to the file you specified using the file HPROF option. For general information about using a stack dump, see Generating a Stack Trace for Debugging.