Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 5 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications

ProcedureRemoving an Auto-Deployed Web Application

  1. Delete the corresponding .war file or sub-directory in the directory:


  2. Start the instance. If the instance is already running, type the reconfig command:


    The deleted web applications are no longer accessible.

    You can also configure the server to periodically check the instance_dir/auto-deploy directory, for new or removed applications and automatically reflect these changes in the running instance. The dynamic-reload-interval attribute controls how often the server checks the auto-deploy directory for changes.

    For information on how to set the dynamic-reload-interval attribute through Admin console, see Dynamic Reloading of Web Applications. For information on how to set the dynamic-reload-interval attribute through CLI, see set-servlet-container-prop(1).