Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 5 NSAPI Developer's Guide

vs_register_cb() Function

The vs_register_cb function enables a plug-in to register functions that will receive notifications of virtual server initialization and destruction events. The vs_register_cb function is typically called from an Init SAF in magnus.conf.

When a new configuration is loaded, all registered VSInitFunc (virtual server initialization) callbacks are called for each of the virtual servers before any requests are served from the new configuration. VSInitFunc callbacks are called in the same order they were registered. The first callback registered is the first callback called.

When the last request has been served from an old configuration, all registered VSDestroyFunc (virtual server destruction) callbacks are called for each of the virtual servers before any virtual servers are destroyed. VSDestroyFunc callbacks are called in reverse order. The first callback registered is the last callback called.

Either initfn or destroyfn may be NULL if the caller is not interested in callbacks for initialization or destruction, respectively.


int vs_register_cb(VSInitFunc* initfn, VSDestroyFunc* destroyfn);

Return Values

The constant REQ_PROCEED if the operation succeeds.

The constant REQ_ABORTED if the operation fails.


VSInitFunc* initfn is a pointer to the function to call at virtual server initialization time, or NULL if the caller is not interested in virtual server initialization events.

VSDestroyFunc* destroyfn is a pointer to the function to call at virtual server destruction time, or NULL if the caller is not interested in virtual server destruction events.