Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 5 NSAPI Developer's Guide

protocol_uri2url_dynamic() Function

The protocol_uri2url function takes strings containing the given URI prefix and URI suffix, and creates a newly allocated, fully qualified URL in the form http://(server):(port)(prefix)(suffix).

If you want to omit either the URI prefix or suffix, use "" instead of NULL as the value for either parameter.

The protocol_uri2url_dynamic function is similar to the protocol_uri2url function, but should be used whenever the Session and Request structures are available. This function ensures that the URL it constructs refers to the host that the client specified.


char *protocol_uri2url(char *prefix, char *suffix, Session *sn, Request *rq);

Return Values

A new string containing the URL.


char *prefix is the prefix.

char *suffix is the suffix.

Session *sn is the Session.

Request *rq is the Request.

The Session and Request parameters are the same parameter as the ones passed into your SAF.

See Also

protocol_start_response() Function, protocol_status() Function