Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 5 NSAPI Developer's Guide

system_unix2local() Function

The system_unix2local function converts a specified UNIX-style path name to a local file system path name. Use this function when you have a file name in the UNIX format such as one containing forward slashes, and you need to access a file on another system such as Windows. You can use system_unix2local to convert the UNIX file name into the format that Windows accepts. In the UNIX environment this function has no effect, but can be called for portability.


char *system_unix2local(char *path, char *lp);

Return Values

A pointer to the local file system path string.


char *path is the UNIX-style path name to be converted.

char *lp is the local path name.

You must allocate the parameter lp, which must contain enough space to hold the local path name.

See Also

system_fclose() Function, system_flock() Function, system_fopenRO() Function, system_fopenRW() Function, system_fopenWA() Function, system_fwrite() Function