Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 NSAPI Developer's Guide

pblock Data Structure

The parameter block is the hash table that holds pb_entry structures. Its contents are transparent to most code. This data structure is frequently used in NSAPI, pblock provides the basic mechanism for packaging up parameters and values. Many functions exist for creating and managing parameter blocks, and for extracting, adding, and deleting entries. See the functions whose names start with pblock_ in Chapter 6, NSAPI Function and Macro Reference. You do not need to write code that accesses pblock data fields directly.

typedef struct {
    int hsize;
    struct pb_entry **ht;
} pblock;


Note –

The pblock NSAPI data structure can not be used concurrently by multiple threads. Do not retain any reference to a pblock or its contents after processing of the current request is complete.