Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications

Using NetBeans IDE 5.5

NetBeans IDE 5.5 is an integrated development environment to create, deploy, and software Java EE web applications. This section describes how to use the NetBeans IDE 5.5 to create and deploy the web applications for Web Server.

Procedure To Install NetBeans IDE 5.5

  1. Download NetBeans IDE 5.5 from and install it.

  2. After installation, launch the NetBeans IDE 5.5.

  3. Download the latest plug-in.

  4. Extract the org-netbeans-modules-j2ee-sun-ws7.nbm file.

  5. Select Update Center of NetBeans, from the Tools menu.

  6. Select Install Manually Downloaded Modules (.nbm Files) and click Next.

  7. Add the downloaded .nbm files and click Next.

  8. Select Web Server and click Next.

  9. Select the Include option and click Yes to install the plug-in.

    The Web Server 7.0 plug-in is installed in the IDE.

Procedure To Register Web Server 7.0 in the NetBeans IDE 5.5

  1. Start the NetBeans.

  2. Select Server node in the Runtime tab. Press mouse button and choose Add Server from the popup menu.

  3. Select the Web Server to register the Web Server and click Next.

  4. Provide the details of the Web Server installed on the local system or remote machine.

    Note –

    The plug-in requires a local Web Server installation on the same machine, even if you are registering a remote Web server. The local installation is required for some of the Web Server jar files.

  5. (Optional) If the Web Server contains multiple configuration, select the configuration.

    • Select the Web Server node form the IDE drop-down list.

    • Choose the configuration to use.

    Note –

    The drop-down list contains configuration which have at least one virtual server and one instance.

  6. Once the server is registered, it is listed in the Server node of the Runtime tab. Right click and choose Start.

  7. You can expand the nodes and see all the web applications and resources.

Procedure Deploying Web Applications

  1. Start the NetBeans.

  2. Select New Project from the File menu.

  3. Select Web in the category list, and in the projects list, select web application. Then click Next.

  4. From the Server drop-down list, select Web Server.

  5. Click Next to complete the web project creation.

    Once the project is created, web project is displayed in the Projects tab. You can find all basic files created in the Web Server specific sun-web.xml deployment descriptor .

    The web application is now ready to compile, deploy.