Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Administrator's Guide

Editing Access Log Preferences

The fields in the Access Log Preferences section are described in the following table:

Table 13–5 Field Description > Editing Access Log Preferences



Access Log

Enabled/Disabled. By default, access log is enabled. Select this option to disable access log. Note that enabling access log will degrade server performance at a very low magnitude.

File Location

The server path, where the access log files will be stored. Default values is ../logs/access

Log Format

  1. Use Common Log Format — This option is the default format type for the log file. The server will log most relevant information extracted from the request headers.

    Common log format is IP address — user [date] “request” status content-length.

  2. Log these details only — You can log only specific values from the request header using this option. Select one of the following values:

    • Client Hostname

    • System Date

    • HTTP Status

    • HTTP Header

    • HTTP Method

    • Query String

    • Virtual Server Name

    • Authenticated User Name

    • Complete HTTP Request

    • Content Length

    • Request URI

    • Protocol