Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 6 Administrator's Configuration File Reference


The lookup function inspects a text file for a name-value pair with name name and returns the corresponding value. The name-value pairs in the file are separated by white space.

If the file does not contain a name-value pair with the specified name, this function returns the value of defaultvalue, if specified, or returns an empty string.


lookup(filename, name, defaultvalue)


The expression function has the following arguments:

Table A–12 lookup Arguments




filename is the name of a text file that contains one name-value pair per line. filename can be an absolute path or a path relative to the server's config directory. Names and values are separated by white space. Lines beginning with # are ignored.


The name of the name-value pair for which the function looks in the text file. 


The value returned by the function if filename exists but does not contain a name-value pair with a name matching the value of name. If defaultvalue is not specified, it defaults to an empty string.


The following example shows a text file called urimap.conf that could be used with the lookup function to map shortcut URIs to URIs:

# This file contains URI mappings for Web Server.
# Lines beginning with # are treated as comments.
# All other lines consist of a shortcut URI, whitespace, and canonical URI.
/webserver /software/products/web_srvr/home_web_srvr.html
/solaris   /software/solaris/
/java      /software/java/

Using the sample text file above, you could use the following lookup expression to implement shortcut URIs for commonly accessed resources:

<If lookup('urimap.conf', uri)>
NameTrans fn="redirect" url="$(lookup('urimap.conf', uri))"