Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Installation and Migration Guide

Configuration File Changes

In previous releases, server configuration was spread over multiple files. In Web Server 7.0, server configuration has been consolidated for better manageability. Many changes have been made to consolidate instance-specific configuration files in the config directory and to simplify and enhance existing configuration files. In general, no new configuration files have been added, some configuration files have been removed, and significant changes have been made to files carried forward from previous releases, such as server.xml and magnus.conf.

Some configuration file changes are briefly mentioned here but are not described in detail. For complete information about configuration file changes in Web Server 7.0, see the Web Server 7.0 Administrator's Configuration File Reference.

Configuration Files Removed

The following configuration files have been removed in Web Server 7.0:

For more information, see File Layout Changes.

File Layout Changes

The following table lists file layout changes between Web Server 6.1 and 7.0. These changes are made automatically during migration.

For information about changes between Web Server 6.0 and 6.1, see the latest Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 Installation and Migration Guide and Release Notes at

Table 5–1 File Layout Changes

Web Server 6.1 

Web Server 7.0 


install_dir/https-server_id/config/certx.db, where x=7 or 8 (Web Server 7.0 supports both cert7 and cert8)












Removed; functionality moved to the auth-db element in server.xml.


Removed; functionality moved to the file-cache element in server.xml.


Remove; functionality moved to the snmp element in server.xml.


Removed; functionality moved to the event element in server.xml and entries migrated to Web Server 7.0 (no manual changes are required).







Retained for NSAPI plug-in configuration, but all functionality not related to NSAPI plug-ins has been moved to server.xml. Support for some obsolete directives has been dropped. The magnus.conf file is copied into the new server configuration during migration. If any removed or obsolete directives are found, a warning is issued.

The following new elements will be created in server.xml:

  • access-log

  • access-log-buffer

  • acl-cache

  • cgi

  • dns

  • dns-cache

  • http

  • keep-alive

  • localization

  • pkcs11

  • qos

  • ssl-session-cache

  • stats

  • temp-path

  • thread-pool

  • user

For detailed information about these changes, see the Web Server 7 Administrator's Configuration File Reference.



Retained. In Web Server 6.1, all virtual servers within a given VSCLASS shared a common obj.conf. In Web Server 7.0, each virtual server can have its own obj.conf, or can still share the same obj.conf. For detailed information about these changes, see Chapter 6, Syntax and Use of obj.conf, in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference and Chapter 2, Configuration, Instances, and Nodes, in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Administrator’s Guide



Most of the attribute names have changed. Some elements have been consolidated and some have split. For detailed information about these changes, see the Web Server 7.0 Administrator's Configuration File Reference.

The Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 server.xml file is parsed and the values written in the new server.xml file, which is created during migration.



During migration, the mime.types file of the old instance in the server_instance/config/mime.types directory is migrated into the new server_instance/config directory. Non-default mime.types (mime1.types, mime2.types, and so on) in the old server_instance/config directory and listed in the MIME element of server.xml are migrated into the new server_instance/config directory.