Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Developer's Guide

ProcedureTo Change Global CGI Settings

  1. In the Admin Console, Click the Configuration tab.

    List of available configurations is displayed.

    For more information on the set-cgi-prop command, see the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 CLI Reference Manual.

  2. Select a configuration from the list.

  3. Select Performance tab > CGI subtab.

    The CGI Settings window is displayed.

  4. Specify the values for the following settings:

    CGI Timeout Settings:

    • Timeout (CGIExpirationTimeout) Specifies the time in seconds after which the server terminates a long-running CGI program.

    • Idle Timeout(CGIStubIdleTimeout) Causes the server to kill any CGIStub processes that have been idle for the number of seconds set by this directive. Once the number of processes is at MinCGIStubs, the server does not kill any more processes.

    CGI Stub Process Settings:

    • Timeout Time in seconds after which an unused CGI stub process is terminated.

    • CGI Stub Excecutable Controls the number of processes that are started by default. The first CGIStub process is not started until a CGI program has been accessed. The default value is 2. If you have a init-cgi directive in the magnus.conf file, the minimum number of CGIStub processes are created at startup. this setting controls the number of processes that are started by default.

    • Minimum Stub Size Controls the maximum number of CGIStub processes the server can create. This setting is the maximum concurrent CGIStub processes in execution, not the maximum number of pending requests. The value must be less than the Maximum Stub Size.

    • Maximum Stub Size Controls the maximum number of CGIStub processes the server can create. This setting is the maximum concurrent CGIStub processes in execution, not the maximum number of pending requests.

    For more information about these global CGI settings, see the description of the magnus.conf file in the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

  5. Click Save to apply your changes.

Example 3–3 To change global CGI settings by using the set-cgi-prop command:

./wadm set-cgi-prop --user=admin --password-file=admin.pwd --host=serverhost --port=8989 --config=config1 timeout=10 max-cgistubs=20 idle-timeout=600 min-cgistubs=10 cgistub-idle-timeout=60 cgistub-path=../../lib/Cgistub

For more information about the set-cgi-prop command, see the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference