Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 7 Administrator's Configuration File Reference


The file-cache element configures the file cache. This element may appear zero or one time within the server element. For more information, see server.


The file-cache element can contain the following subelements:

Table 3–21 List of file-cache Subelements





0 or 1 

Determines whether the server cache is enabled. The default value is true. Whether file content is cached in addition to meta information is controlled by the cache-content subelement.


0 or 1 

The maximum amount of time (in seconds) to cache file content and meta information. The value can be from –1 to 3600. The value -1 indicates that the file cache entries do not expire. 


0 or 1 

The maximum number of paths to cache content and/or meta information. The value can be from 1 to 1048576. 


0 or 1 

The maximum number of file descriptors the file cache will keep open. The value can be from 1 to 1048576. 


0 or 1 

Determines whether the server will attempt to use the operating system's sendfile, sendfilev, send_file, or TransmitFile system call. The default value is true on Windows and false on other platforms.


0 or 1 

Determines whether the server copies cached files to a temporary directory. The default value is true on Windows and false on other platforms.


0 or 1 

The temporary directory that is used when copy-files is true. If a relative path is used, it is relative to the server's config directory.


0 or 1 

The cache entry replacement algorithm. The value can be false, lru, or lfu.


0 or 1 

Determines whether the server caches file content in addition to the meta information. The default value is true.


0 or 1 

The maximum size (in bytes) of files to cache on the heap. The value can be from 0 to 2147483647. 


0 or 1 

The maximum amount (in bytes) of heap to use for caching files. The value can be from 0 to 1099511627776 . 


0 or 1 

The maximum size (in bytes) of files to mmap. The value can be from 0 to 2147483647.


0 or 1 

The maximum amount (in bytes) of mmap address space to use for caching files. The value can be from 0 to 1099511627776 .


Web Server uses sendfile-size only when the file size is greater than max-heap-file-size. When sendfile-size is set to non-zero value and file-cache and sendfile are enabled, it hints the file-cache subsystem to send the file in chunks. The chunk size can be at the most the size of sendfile-size. When sendfile-size is set to default value, that is, zero and sendfile is enabled, the entire file is attempted to be sent out. In either case, the left over file is sent in subsequent transfers.

See Also