Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

JDBC Resource Statistics Not Available in the Admin Console

Some JDBC statistics are available through the wadm get-config-stats command using the --node option, through stats-xml, and through SNMP, but not through the Admin Console.

maxConnections – The configured maximum size of the pool. Use as a reference for other statistics. To change the maximum connections for a JDBC resource through the Admin Console, on the Edit JDBC Resource page, edit the Maximum Connections field. To change the JDBC resource's maximum connections through the command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the max-connections property.

peakConnections – The highest number of connections that have been leased concurrently during the history of the pool. This number is a good indication on the upper limit on pool usage. It is limited by the maximum connections setting.

countTotalLeasedConnections – The total number of times a connection has been handed out by the pool. Indicates total pool activity. Not tunable.

countTotalFailedValidationConnections – If connection validation is enabled, shows the number of times a connection has been detected as invalid by the pool. If this number is relatively high, it could signal database or network problems. Not tunable.

peakQueued – The highest number of connection requests that have been queued simultaneously at any time during the lifetime of the pool. Not tunable.

millisecondsPeakWait – The maximum time in milliseconds that any connection request has been in the wait queue. A high number is an indication of high pool activity. The upper limit is the JDBC resource setting wait timeout.

countConnectionIdleTimeouts – The number of free connections that have been closed by the pool because they exceeded the configured JDBC idle timeout. To change the idle timeout for a JDBC resource through the Admin Console, on the Edit JDBC Resource page, edit the Idle Timeout field. To change the JDBC resource's idle timeout through the command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the idle-timeout property.