Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide
Numbers and Symbols
 64–bit servers
  performance advantages ( Index Term Link )
  scaling ( Index Term Link )
 acceptor threads ( Index Term Link )
 access time updates ( Index Term Link )
 acl-bucket ( Index Term Link )
 ACL user cache ( Index Term Link )
  max-groups-per-user ( Index Term Link )
  max-users ( Index Term Link )
  maximum age ( Index Term Link )
 activating statistics ( Index Term Link )
 AddLog ( Index Term Link )
 Admin Console, more information about ( Index Term Link )
 assign-name function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 async DNS cache ( Index Term Link )
 auto-commit validation method ( Index Term Link )
  tuning Solaris for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 bottleneck, ACL user cache ( Index Term Link )
 buckets, performance ( Index Term Link )
 busy functions ( Index Term Link )
 cache not utilized ( Index Term Link )
 caching, servlet/JSP ( Index Term Link )
 cgi-bucket ( Index Term Link )
 CGIStub processes ( Index Term Link )
 check-acl SAF ( Index Term Link )
 class-loader ( Index Term Link )
 class reloading, configuring ( Index Term Link )
 classpath, directories in ( Index Term Link )
  and performance ( Index Term Link )
  statistics ( Index Term Link )
 connection handling ( Index Term Link )
 connection queue information ( Index Term Link )
 connection queue size, and SNCA ( Index Term Link )
 connection refused errors ( Index Term Link )
 connection settings, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 connection timeouts ( Index Term Link )
 connections ( Index Term Link )
  closed ( Index Term Link )
  JDBC ( Index Term Link )
  simultaneous ( Index Term Link )
  simultaneous using maximum threads setting ( Index Term Link )
 content_length header ( Index Term Link )
 crontab -e sys command ( Index Term Link )
 default-bucket ( Index Term Link )
 determining requirements ( Index Term Link )
 directories in the classpath ( Index Term Link )
 disabling network interrupts ( Index Term Link )
 disk configuration ( Index Term Link )
 DNS cache ( Index Term Link )
  async enabled ( Index Term Link )
  current entries ( Index Term Link )
  entries ( Index Term Link )
  hit ratio ( Index Term Link )
  maximum entries ( Index Term Link )
 drive space, sizing issues ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic control and monitoring, file cache ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic reload interval ( Index Term Link )
 enable-perfdump command ( Index Term Link )
 enable-stats-xml command ( Index Term Link )
 enabling statistics ( Index Term Link )
 etc/system file ( Index Term Link )
  in scalability studies ( Index Term Link )
 Faban driver ( Index Term Link )
 fail all connections, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 file-bucket ( Index Term Link )
 file cache ( Index Term Link )
  cache lookups ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic control and monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  entries ( Index Term Link )
  flags for ?list option ( Index Term Link )
  hit ratio ( Index Term Link )
  low hit rate with custom NSAPI functions ( Index Term Link )
  maximum age ( Index Term Link )
  maximum heap size ( Index Term Link )
  nocache parameter ( Index Term Link )
  obj.conf object for monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  problems, cache not utilized ( Index Term Link )
  status example ( Index Term Link )
 file system tuning, Solaris ( Index Term Link )
 find-pathinfo-forward ( Index Term Link )
 find-pathinfo function ( Index Term Link )
 flushed keep-alive connections ( Index Term Link )
 free connections, in JDBC resources ( Index Term Link )
 func_insert ( Index Term Link )
 get-config-stats command ( Index Term Link )
 get-perfdump command ( Index Term Link )
 get-stats-xml command ( Index Term Link )
 get-virtual-server-stats command ( Index Term Link )
 get-webapp-stats command ( Index Term Link )
 guarantee isolation, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
  for e-commerce study ( Index Term Link )
  for studies ( Index Term Link )
 high concurrency mode ( Index Term Link )
 high file system page-in rate ( Index Term Link )
 hires_tick ( Index Term Link )
 hit ratio ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 HotSpot VM performance FAQ ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP 1.0-style workload ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP 1.1-style workload ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP access logged ( Index Term Link )
 HTTP listener, statistics ( Index Term Link )
 idle threads ( Index Term Link )
 idle timeout
  JDBC resource ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 init-cgi, multi-process mode ( Index Term Link )
 iostat -x 60 command ( Index Term Link )
 iostat utility ( Index Term Link )
 ip:ip_squeue_bind ( Index Term Link )
 ip:ip_squeue_fanout ( Index Term Link )
 ipge:ipge_bcopy_thresh ( Index Term Link )
 ipge:ipge_srv_fifo_depth ( Index Term Link )
 ipge:ipge_taskq_disable ( Index Term Link )
 ipge:ipge_tx_ring_size ( Index Term Link )
 ipge:ipge_tx_syncq ( Index Term Link )
 Java ES monitoring console ( Index Term Link )
 Java heap tuning ( Index Term Link )
 Java HotSpot VM ( Index Term Link )
 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ( Index Term Link )
 Java Security Manager, configuring ( Index Term Link )
 Java VM heap space ( Index Term Link )
 Java web applications, tuning performance ( Index Term Link )
 JDBC connection pooling, improving application performance ( Index Term Link )
 JDBC resources ( Index Term Link )
  connection settings ( Index Term Link )
  connections ( Index Term Link )
  free connections ( Index Term Link )
  idle timeout ( Index Term Link )
  leased connections ( Index Term Link )
  maxConnections ( Index Term Link )
  peakConnections ( Index Term Link )
  queued connections ( Index Term Link )
  statistics in Admin Console ( Index Term Link )
  validation method ( Index Term Link )
 jsp-config ( Index Term Link )
 JVM ( Index Term Link )
  Java heap tuning ( Index Term Link )
 keep-alive ( Index Term Link )
  connections flushed ( Index Term Link )
  count ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  flushes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  hits ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  maximum connections ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  maximum number of connections ( Index Term Link )
  poll interval ( Index Term Link )
  refusals ( Index Term Link )
  threads ( Index Term Link )
  timeout ( Index Term Link )
  timeouts ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 KernalThreads directive ( Index Term Link )
 LateInit ( Index Term Link )
 LDAP server, and ACL user cache ( Index Term Link )
 leased connections, in JDBC resources ( Index Term Link )
 listen socket, statistics ( Index Term Link )
 load driver, for studies ( Index Term Link )
 load-modules function ( Index Term Link )
 log file modes ( Index Term Link )
  verbose ( Index Term Link )
 long service times ( Index Term Link )
 low latency mode ( Index Term Link )
 low-memory problems ( Index Term Link )
  connection-handling directives ( Index Term Link )
  init-cgi, multi-process mode ( Index Term Link )
 manager-properties properties ( Index Term Link )
 max-groups-per-user, ACL user cache ( Index Term Link )
 max-users, ACL user cache ( Index Term Link )
 maximum age, file cache ( Index Term Link )
 maximum connections, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 maximum heap size ( Index Term Link )
 maximum threads ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  and NativePoolQueueSize ( Index Term Link )
  and SNCA ( Index Term Link )
  too few threads ( Index Term Link )
 maxLocks, tuning ( Index Term Link )
 MaxProcs ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 maxSessions ( Index Term Link )
 memory, sizing issues ( Index Term Link )
 memory requirements ( Index Term Link )
 meta-data validation method ( Index Term Link )
 minimum connections, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 MMapSessionManager, tuning ( Index Term Link )
  log file ( Index Term Link )
  multi-process ( Index Term Link )
  single-process ( Index Term Link )
 monitoring server performance
  comparison of methods ( Index Term Link )
  methods with least impact ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  using Java EE monitoring console ( Index Term Link )
  using perfdump ( Index Term Link )
  using performance buckets ( Index Term Link )
  using SE toolkit ( Index Term Link )
  using stats-xml ( Index Term Link )
 mpstat 60 command ( Index Term Link )
 multi-process mode ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 NameTrans ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 native thread pool ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 NativePoolMaxThreads ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 NativePoolMinThreads ( Index Term Link )
 NativePoolQueueSize ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 NativePoolStackSize ( Index Term Link )
 NativeThread ( Index Term Link )
 ndd command ( Index Term Link )
 netstat -i 60 ( Index Term Link )
 netstat -s command ( Index Term Link )
 network configuration ( Index Term Link )
  for studies ( Index Term Link )
 network interrupts, disabling ( Index Term Link )
 networking, sizing issues ( Index Term Link )
 nocache parameter ( Index Term Link )
 nostat ( Index Term Link )
 NSPR ( Index Term Link )
 NSServletService ( Index Term Link )
 ntrans-base ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  custom thread pool ( Index Term Link )
  object for monitoring the file cache ( Index Term Link )
  performance buckets ( Index Term Link )
  UseOutputStreamSize parameter ( Index Term Link )
 page sizes ( Index Term Link )
 PATH_INFO ( Index Term Link )
 PathCheck ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 peak concurrent users ( Index Term Link )
  about ( Index Term Link )
  enabling ( Index Term Link )
  sample output ( Index Term Link )
  using to monitor server activity ( Index Term Link )
  buckets ( Index Term Link )
  issues ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring tools ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  problems ( Index Term Link )
  studies ( Index Term Link )
  tuning ( Index Term Link )
 performance buckets
  configuration of ( Index Term Link )
  defining in magnus.conf ( Index Term Link )
  information in perfdump ( Index Term Link )
  performance report ( Index Term Link )
  using to monitor activity ( Index Term Link )
 performance monitoring, Solaris-specific ( Index Term Link )
 performance report, performance buckets ( Index Term Link )
 persistence-type ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 persistent connection information ( Index Term Link )
 pfx2dir function ( Index Term Link )
 PR_GetFileInfo ( Index Term Link )
 precompiled JSPs ( Index Term Link )
  common ( Index Term Link )
  connection timeouts ( Index Term Link )
  keep–alive connections flushed ( Index Term Link )
  log file modes ( Index Term Link )
  low memory ( Index Term Link )
  too few threads ( Index Term Link )
 process modes ( Index Term Link )
 processes ( Index Term Link )
 processors, sizing issues ( Index Term Link )
 profiling ( Index Term Link )
 quality of service
  features ( Index Term Link )
  statistics and ( Index Term Link )
 queued connections, in JDBC resources ( Index Term Link )
 ratio, hit ( Index Term Link )
 reapIntervalSeconds ( Index Term Link )
 refresh ( Index Term Link )
 reload-interval ( Index Term Link )
 restart ( Index Term Link )
 rlim_fd_max ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 scalability studies ( Index Term Link )
 SE toolkit ( Index Term Link )
 segmap_percent ( Index Term Link )
 send-cgi ( Index Term Link )
 send-file, nocache parameter ( Index Term Link )
 server instances, statistics ( Index Term Link )
 Service ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 servlet/JSP caching ( Index Term Link )
 session creation information ( Index Term Link )
 session-properties ( Index Term Link )
 session settings, web application ( Index Term Link )
 set-http-prop command ( Index Term Link )
 set-stats-prop command ( Index Term Link )
 single-process mode ( Index Term Link )
 SNCA ( Index Term Link )
  connection queue size ( Index Term Link )
  maximum threads ( Index Term Link )
  file system tuning ( Index Term Link )
  Network Cache and Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
  platform-specific issues ( Index Term Link )
  tuning for performance benchmarking ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris-specific performance monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  long-term system monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  SE toolkit ( Index Term Link )
  short-term system monitoring ( Index Term Link )
 sq_max_size ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 SSL performance ( Index Term Link )
 start options ( Index Term Link )
  activating ( Index Term Link )
  connection queue ( Index Term Link )
  file cache information ( Index Term Link )
  listen socket information ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  performance buckets ( Index Term Link )
  accessing URI ( Index Term Link )
  enabling URI ( Index Term Link )
  limiting output ( Index Term Link )
  using to monitor current activity ( Index Term Link )
 studies ( Index Term Link )
  conclusion ( Index Term Link )
  goals ( Index Term Link )
  hardware used ( Index Term Link )
  load driver ( Index Term Link )
  network configuration ( Index Term Link )
  Web Server tuning ( Index Term Link )
 table validation method ( Index Term Link )
 TCP buffering, tuning ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_conn_req_max_q ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_conn_req_max_q0 ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_cwnd_max ( Index Term Link )
 TCP/IP, tuning ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_ip_abort_interval ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_keepalive_interval ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_recv_hiwat ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_rexmit_interval_initial ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_rexmit_interval_max ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_rexmit_interval_min ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_slow_start_initial ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_smallest_anon_port ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_time_wait_interval ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tcp_xmit_hiwat ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tcpHalfOpenDrop ( Index Term Link )
 tcpListenDrop ( Index Term Link )
 tcpListenDropQ0 ( Index Term Link )
 TerminateTimeout directive ( Index Term Link )
 test results ( Index Term Link )
 thread pools ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  custom ( Index Term Link )
  disabled ( Index Term Link )
  native thread pool ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 threads ( Index Term Link )
  acceptor ( Index Term Link )
  creation statistics ( Index Term Link )
  keep-alive ( Index Term Link )
  maximum ( Index Term Link )
  maximum and SNCA ( Index Term Link )
  multi-process mode ( Index Term Link )
  too few ( Index Term Link )
 tips, general ( Index Term Link )
 transaction isolation level, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 tuning maxLocks ( Index Term Link )
 tuning MMapSessionManager ( Index Term Link )
 tuning TCP buffering ( Index Term Link )
 tuning the Web Server ( Index Term Link )
  Java web applications performance ( Index Term Link )
  threads, processes, and connections ( Index Term Link )
  using statistics ( Index Term Link )
 tuning tips
  general ( Index Term Link )
  platform-specific ( Index Term Link )
 tuning Web Server
  6.1 to 7.0 parameter mapping ( Index Term Link )
  keep-alive subsystem ( Index Term Link )
 UFS ( Index Term Link )
 under-throttled server ( Index Term Link )
 UNIX file system ( Index Term Link )
 using statistics to tune your server ( Index Term Link )
 validation method, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 validation table name, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 virtual servers
  default ( Index Term Link )
  HTTP listeners ( Index Term Link )
  performance overview ( Index Term Link )
 vmstat 60 command ( Index Term Link )
 wait timeout, JDBC resource ( Index Term Link )
 web applications ( Index Term Link )
  session timeout ( Index Term Link )
  statistics for ( Index Term Link )
  tuning performance ( Index Term Link )
 Web Server
  start options ( Index Term Link )
  tuning for studies ( Index Term Link )
 work queue
  length ( Index Term Link )
  limit ( Index Term Link )
  peak ( Index Term Link )