Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications

Alphabetical List of sun-web.xml Elements

This section provides an alphabetical list for the easy lookup of sun-web.xml elements.

cache Element

cache-helper Element

cache-helper-ref Element

cache-mapping Element

class-loader Element

constraint-field Element

context-root Element

cookie-properties Element


default-resource-principal Element

description Element

group-name Element

http-method Element

jndi-name Element

jsp-config Element

key-field Element

locale-charset-info Element

locale-charset-map Element

manager-properties Element

message-destination Element

message-destination-name Element

message-security-binding Element

name Element

parameter-encoding Element

password Element

principal-name Element

property Element

refresh-field Element

res-ref-name Element

resource-env-ref Element

resource-env-ref-name Element

resource-ref Element

role-name Element

security-role-mapping Element

servlet Element

servlet-name Element

service-ref Element

session-config Element

session-manager Element

session-properties Element

store-properties Element

sun-web-app Element

timeout Element

url-pattern Element

value Element

webservice-description Element

webservice-description-name Element

webservice-endpoint Element

Note –

For a list of sun-web.xml elements by category, see Elements in the sun-web.xml File.