Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications

Message Protection Policies

Message protection policies are defined for request message processing and response message processing. These policies are expressed in terms of requirements for source or recipient authentication. A source authentication policy requires that the identity of the entity that sent a message or that defined the content of a message be established in the message so that the message receiver can authenticate it. A recipient authentication policy represents a requirement that the message be sent such that the identity of the entities that can receive the message can be established by the message sender. The providers apply specific message security mechanisms so that the message protection policies are in SOAP Web Services messages.

Request and response message protection policies are defined when a provider is configured in a container. You can also configure application-specific message protection policies at the granularity of the web service port or operation within the Sun deployment descriptors of the application or application client. Where message protection policies are defined, the request and response message protection policies of the client must match the request and response message protection policies of the server.