Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications

port-info Element

Either a service-endpoint-interface or a wsdl-port or both ports must be specified. If both ports are specified, wsdl-port specifies the port that the container chooses for container-managed port selection. The same wsdl-port value must not appear in more than one port-info element within the same service-ref. If a service-endpoint-interface is using container-managed port selection, its value must not appear in more than one port-info element within the same service-ref.


The following table describes subelements for the port-info element.

Table A–22 port-info Subelements




service-endpoint-interface Element

zero or one 

Specifies the web service reference name relative to java:comp/env.

wsdl-port Element

zero or one 

Specifies the WSDL port. 

stub-property Element

zero or one 

Specifies JAX-RPC property values that are set on thejavax.xml.rpc.Stub object before it is returned to the web service client.

call-property Element

zero or one 

Specifies JAX-RPC property values that are set on thejavax.xml.rpc.Stub object before it is returned to the web service client.

message-security-binding Element

zero or one 

Specifies a custom authentication provider binding.