Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications

Java Samples

A complete index of Java sample applications provided as part of the Sun Java System Web Server product is listed below:

Table 2–1 Java Samples




This directory contains source code of the extensible session manager and session store API that was published in the previous release of Web Server (6.0). These APIs have been deprecated since Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 and are provided in this directory for the purpose of backward compatibility. 

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/apis


Basic JSP and servlet examples combined into a single web application (Tomcat samples).  

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/simple


JSP and servlet examples that demonstrate how to cache results of JSP and servlet execution. 

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/caching


Basic examples that demonstrate usage of the JSP Standard Tag Library. 

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/jstl


Basic example that demonstrates using a servlet to access a stateless EJBTM using RMI/IIOP running in Sun Java System Application Server 8.x.

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/rmi-iiop


A servlet that uses the Javamail API to send an email message. 

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/javamail


A basic Java EE web application that demonstrates how to dynamically change the display language based on user preference. 

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/i18n


Example showing how to use Java Server Faces (JSF) components to quickly build web application user interfaces. JSF examples are included in the following directories: 

  • carstore: Online car store sample

  • components: JSF custom components sample

  • guessnumber: Guess number sample

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/jsf


Java DataBase Connectivity examples are included in the following directories:  

  • blob: A servlet that accesses BLOBs through the JDBC API

  • simple: A basic servlet that accesses an RDBMS through the JDBC API

  • transactions: A servlet that uses the transaction API with JDBC to control a local transaction

  • rowset: Demonstrates the JDBC rowset feature

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/jdbc


Java Naming and Directory Interface examples are in the following directories: 

  • custom: Demonstrates how to use the custom resource

  • external: Demonstrates how to use the external resource

  • readenv: Demonstrates how to use the environment entries specified in the web.xml file

  • url: Demonstrates how to use the servlet with the URL resource facility to access a resource

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/jndi


Examples demonstrating how to secure Java EE web applications through standard authentication mechanisms and access controls. Security examples are included in the following directories: 

  • basic-auth: Demonstrates how to develop, configure, and exercise basic authentication

  • client-cert: Demonstrates how to develop, configure, and exercise client certificate authentication

  • form-auth: Demonstrates how to develop, configure, and exercise form-based authentication

  • jdbcrealm: Demonstrates how to develop, configure, and exercise JDBC realm authentication

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/security


Web services security examples are located in the following directory: 

  • fromwsdl-soap12: Demonstrates how to develop, configure, and run a simple web services security sample

Directory path: install-dir/samples/java/webapps/webservices/security