Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Installation and Migration Guide

Other Migration-Related Changes

The following sections contain information on other migration-related changes when moving from Web Server 6.1 to Web Server 7.0. These changes are made automatically during migration.

Content-type Header

After migration from 6.1, Web Server 7.0 will not return Content-type:text/html when there is no message body, for instance, a redirection location header. Since response doesn't contain the message body, there's no reason to specify a Content-Type header hence this is a conscious change made in 7.0 as compared to 6.1. For customers who still depend on Content-type can make the following configuration changes in 7.0.

To add back the content-type in output stage

Add the following content into Web Server 7.0 obj.conf

Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="index-common"
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace"
<If $uri =~ ".jsp$">
Output fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="Content-type: text/html"
Error fn="error-j2ee"
AddLog fn="flex-log"

When content-type is 302

<If  $code = "302" >
Output fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="content-type:text/html"

When content-length is zero

<If $srvhdrs{'content-length'} = "0">
Output fn="set-variable" insert-srvhdrs="content-type:text/html"

Config Store Directory

As described in New Administration Framework, Web Server 7.0 makes it easier to manage Web Server configurations across hardware nodes in a server farm. This administration framework provides necessary services to graphical and command-line clients to manage server configurations, and to replicate configurations across nodes within data centers or server farms.

Caution – Caution –

Do not edit any files under config-store directory. The files under this directory are created by Sun Java System Web Server for internal use.

Metadata for the configurations managed by the administration infrastructure is stored within a directory called config-store, under the root directory of the Administration Server instance. When a server is migrated, data is transferred and a configuration is created under config-store. Configuration files, applications, and other elements that are part of a configuration are stored in config-store, as are search collections if a different search collection index directory is not specified during migration (for more information, see Search). Web Server 7.0 instances are created from these configurations.

For more information about the config-store directory structure and about configuration files, see the Web Server 7.0 Administrator's Configuration File Reference. For more information about managing Web Server configurations in data centers and server farms, see the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Administrator’s Guide.


The following table lists changes related to Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDITM) and JDBC.

Table 5–2 Changes Related to JNDI and JDBC

Change in Web Server 7.0 



The JDBCRESOURCE and JDBCCONNECTIONPOOL elements in server.xml have been consolidated into the jdbc-resource element.

For each existing JDBCRESOURCE, a corresponding jdbc-resource element will be created in the new server-instance/config/server.xml.

Element name changes in server.xml

The following element names have changed: 

  • MAILRESOURCE is now mail-resource.

  • CUSTOMRESOURCE is now custom-resource.

  • EXTERNALJNDIRESOURCE is now external-jndi-resource, and most of the attribute names have also changed.

Legacy Servlets

There are no changes to this functionality from Web Server 6.1 to Web Server 7.0. For more information on legacy servlets, see Migrating Legacy Servlets in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Developer’s Guide to Java Web Applications

Log Files

Log files are not migrated.


When migrating search, necessary server.xml changes are made and the collections directory from the Web Server 6.1 server instance is moved to the search collection index directory specified during migration. If the directory is not specified, the search collection will not be migrated.

Also note the following considerations:

The following table lists other changes related to search.

Table 5–3 Changes Related to Search

Changes in Web Server 7.0 


Element changes in server.xml

  • SEARCH is now called search-app.

  • SEARCHCOLLECTION is now called search-collection-copy-path.

  • The PROPERTY subelement has been removed from SEARCHCOLLECTION.

  • The WEBAPP subelement has been removed, a uri attribute has been added to point to the search web application, and most of the attribute names have changed.


Specifies the path to which search collection information will be copied when migrating search collections. The following migration scenarios are possible: If the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 search collection path is outside the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 instance, then the migrated search collection path will point to the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 search collection path, and this option will be disregarded. If the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 search collection path is within the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 instance, and a valid path is specified for this option, then the search collection information will be copied to the following directory: searchCollectionPath/configName/virtualServerName/collectionName. If the specified path is not valid, an error message will be logged. If the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 search collection path is within the Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 instance but no path is specified for this option, then the search collection information will not be copied. A message will be written to the migration log asking the user to manually copy the search collection information using the wadm add-search-docs command. In this case, the migrated search collection path will be the following: WebServer7Config-base/https-configName/config/collections/virtualServerName/collectionName.


The following table lists changes related to security.

Table 5–4 Changes Related to Security

Changes in Web Server 7.0 


SECURITY element moved and renamed security (all lower case)

In Web Server 6.1, the SECURITY element was under the JAVA element in server.xml. In Web Server 7.0, the JAVA element has been split into two elements: jvm and servlet-container. In Web Server 7.0, the security element is under the servlet-container element and is called security (all lower case) instead of SECURITY. The necessary changes are made in the new server_instance/config/server.xml.

Servlet Container

The following table list changes related to servlet container.

Table 5–5 Changes Related to Servlet Container

Changes in Web Server 7.0 


Decode Cookies 

In Web Server 6.1, + in cookie values were not decoded. However, in Web Server 7.0 the plus + is decoded to spaces. The default value is false.

Session Manager

There are no changes to this functionality from Web Server 6.1 to Web Server 7.0.

User Libraries

User libraries are not migrated. A warning message is recorded in the migration log file.

Web Applications

The following table lists changes related to web applications.

Table 5–6 Changes Related to Web Applications

Changes in Web Server 7.0 


WEBAPP element changed in server.xml

The WEBAPP element is now called web-app and has been moved under the virtual-server element. The changes are made in the new install_dir/admin-server/config-store/config_name/config/server.xml. Changes are also be made in the sun-web.xml and web.xml files for the web applications. If the web application was located inside the old install_dir, it is physically migrated and changes are made in sun-web.xml and web.xml files of the web applications else, the web applications path element in the migrated server.xml is modified to point to the old web application directory. No changes will be made to sun-web.xml and web.xml. A warning message is recorded in the migration log file to manually edit these XML files.



The following table lists changes related to WebDAV.

Table 5–7 Changes Related to WebDAV

Changes in Web Server 7.0 


Element changes in server.xml

  • DAV is now called dav.

  • DAVCOLLECTION is now called dav-collection.

  • The PROPERTY subelement has been removed.

  • The dav-collection subelement has been moved under the virtual-server element and most of the attribute names have changed. The necessary changes are made in server.xml.

Changes to obj.conf

Necessary modifications are made in the obj.conf file. Specifically:

  • ACL and REPORTS are added in the default object's service-dav list of methods. For example:

    <Object name="default">
    Service fn="service-dav"
    Error fn="error-j2ee"
    AddLog fn="flex-log"
  • ACL and REPORTS are added in the dav object's service-dav list of methods. For example:

    <Object name="dav"
    PathCheck fn="check-acl"
    Service fn="service-dav"

New ACL entry in default.acl

The following new ACL entry is added in default.acl only if the dav-src ACL exists in generated.https-server_id.acl:

acl uri=/magnus-internal/";
deny (all) user="anyone";
allow (list) user="all";