Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Developer's Guide

ProcedureTo Install the suid and Cgistub Directories

You cannot install the suid Cgistub program on an NFS mount. If you want to use an suid Cgistub, you must install your server instance to a local file system.

  1. Log in as a superuser.

  2. Create the private directory for Cgistub in the install-dir/https-instance/private directory:

    cd install-dir/https-instance

    mkdir private

    Note –

    If you install Cgistub in any other directory, you must specify the path to Cgistub in the init-cgi function in the magnus.conf file. For details, see the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

  3. Copy Cgistub to the private directory.

    cd private

    cp ../../lib/Cgistub.

  4. Set the owner of private to the server user.

    chown user .

  5. Set the permissions on private.

    chmod 500.

  6. Set the owner of Cgistub to root.

    chown root Cgistub

  7. Set the permissions on Cgistub.

    chmod 4711 Cgistub

  8. Provide reference to the send-cgi SAF in obj.conf a user parameter.

    For example: Service fn="send-cgi" user="user"

    You can use variable substitution. For example, in server.xml, give a virtual-server element the following variable subelement:

    <variable user="user"\>

    This modification to server.xml means, you can write the send-cgi SAF line in the obj.conf as follows:

    Service fn="send-cgi" user="$user"

    For more information about server.xml and send-cgi in the obj.conf file , see the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

  9. Restart the server to apply the changes.