Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Administrator's Guide

Authentication in CLI

wadm will use the username and password of the administrator to authenticate the Administration Server. A valid username and password file must be passed as arguments to each command running in single mode. The shell mode accepts the username and password file when the wadm executable is invoked. Commands invoked in the shell mode do not require the connection options (for example, user, password-file, host, port and ssl). If connection options are specified, they will be ignored.

Some commands supported by the CLI require password inputs. For example, bindpw, user-password and token-pin. The user can specify these passwords in the same file that contains the administration user password. If the password-file is not specified with the command, then user will be prompted for the password.

The wadm communicates with the Administration Server through SSL if SSL is enabled on Administration Server. The Certificate passed by the Administration Server will be verified against the truststore (~/.wadmtruststore). If the certificate exists and is valid, the command proceeds normally. Otherwise, wadm displays the certificate and gives the user the choice of accepting it. If the user accepts it, the certificate will be added to the truststore and the command will proceed normally.

Note –

truststore need not be password protected since it does not contain any sensitive data.

Resetting the Administration Password

Open a command prompt terminal and navigate to install-root/bin/wadm directory and type the following command to reset the password:

./wadm reset-admin-password.

You will be prompted to type the new admin password. Type the password again to confirm. Restart the server in order for the password to take effect. Then use the new password to login to the server.

Note –

While changing the password using set-admin-prop command you must restart the Administration Server from install-root/admin-server/bin/restart directory. Do not use restart-admin command to restart the server.

Registering with Sun Connection

You can use the Admin Console to register the Web Server with Sun Connection. Click the Register with Sun Connection tab from the home page, and a wizard opens up. Follow the wizard to complete the registration. By registering the Web Server with Sun Connection you receive the following benefits.