Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 Administrator's Configuration File Reference


The set-variable function enables you to change server settings based upon conditional information in a request. This function is applicable in all directives.

It can also be used to manipulate variables in parameter blocks with the following commands:

The set-variable function recognizes many predefined variables as parameters. Additionally, when a set-variable parameter name begins with $ but is not the name of a predefined variable, the parameter and its value are stored in the rq->vars pblock. This functionality allows you to define or override the $variable values at the request time.

set-variable accepts both the $variable and ${variable} forms, but the name of the parameter stored in the rq->vars pblock is always in the $variable form.


stage fn="set-variable" [{insert|set|remove}-pblock="name=value" ...][name="value" ...]


The following table describes parameter values for the set-variable function.

Table 7–117 set-variable Parameters




Specifies one of the following session or request parameter block names: 

  • client: Contains the IP address of the client machine and the DNS name of the remote machine.

  • vars: Contains the server's working variables, which includes anything not specifically found in the reqpb, headers, or srvhdrs pblocks. The contents of this pblock differ, depending on the specific request and the type of SAF.

  • reqpb: Contains elements of the HTTP request, which includes the HTTP method such as GET or POST, the URI, the protocol (generally HTTP/1.0), and the query string. This pblock does not change during the request-response process.

  • headers: Contains all the request headers (such as User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, and so on) received from the client in the HTTP request. This pblock does not change during the request-response process.

  • srvhdrs: Contains the response headers (such as Server, Date, Content-Type, Content-length, and so on) that are to be sent to the client in the HTTP response.


The variable to set. 


The string assigned to the variable specified by name.


The following tables lists variables supported by the set-variable SAF.

Table 7–118 Supported Variables




A value of true indicates that the result code should be set to REQ_ABORTED. Setting the result code to REQ_ABORTED will abort the current request and send an error to the browser. For information about result codes, see Chapter 2, Creating Custom Server Application Functions, in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 NSAPI Developer’s Guide.


Sets the HTTP status code and exits the request by returning REQ_ABORTED. To set the HTTP status code without exiting the request, use the set-variable error parameter along with the noaction parameter. To rewrite an HTTP status code, use a Client tag to match the original status code and an Output directive to set the new status code.

For example, the following code will rewrite all 302 Moved Temporarily responses to 301 Moved Permanently responses:

<Client code="302">
Output fn="set-variable" error="301 Moved Permanently"

Sets the error code to be returned in the event of an aborted browser request. 


A Boolean value signifying whether a URL should be escaped using util_uri_escape. For information about util_uri_escape, see Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 NSAPI Developer’s Guide.


Path information after the file name in a URI. See find-pathinfo.


HTTP version number (for example, 1.0). 


HTTP version number (for example, 1.0). 


A Boolean value that establishes whether a keep-alive request from a browser will be honored. 


Specifies an additional named object in the obj.conf file whose directives will be applied to this request. See also assign-name.


A value of true indicates the result code should be set to REQ_NOACTION. For AuthTrans, NameTrans, Service, and Error stage SAFs, setting the result code to REQ_NOACTION indicates that subsequent SAFs in that stage should be allowed to execute. For information about result codes, see Chapter 2, Creating Custom Server Application Functions, in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 NSAPI Developer’s Guide.


Causes the server not to perform the stat() function for a URL when possible. See also assign-name.


A Boolean value that indicates whether HTTP response headers have been sent to the client. 


A Boolean value that can be used to alter the way SSL3 connections are closed.  

Caution – Caution –

As this violates the SSL3 RFCs, you should only use this with great caution if you know that you are experiencing problems with SSL3 shutdowns.


A value of true indicates the result code should be set to REQ_PROCEED. For AuthTrans, NameTrans, Service, and Error stage SAFs, setting the result code to REQ_PROCEED indicates that no further SAFs in that stage should be allowed to execute. For information about result codes, Chapter 2, Creating Custom Server Application Functions, in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 8 NSAPI Developer’s Guide.


Redirect requests to a specified URL. 


See Also
