Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator's Guide

Modifying WebDAV Parameters

Some common WebDAV properties are listed in the following table:

Table 10–1 WebDAV Parameters



Lock Database Path

Specify the directory in which the locking database will be maintained. 

Minimum Lock Time-out

Specify the minimum lifetime of a lock in seconds. A value of -1 implies that the lock never expires. This value indicates the amount of time that an element will be locked before the lock is automatically removed.

Maximum Request Size

Specify the maximum size of the XML request body. You should configure this value to prevent possible denial of service attacks. The default value is 8192 (8K).

Maximum Expand Property Depth

Specify the depth of the Expand Property. 0 applies only to the specified resource. This is the default value. 1 applies to the specified resource and the next level. infinity applies to the specified resource and all resources it contains. Also prevent excessive memory consumption by restricting the size of this parameter.

Default Owner 

Default owner for the collection. 


Existing root URI on which WebDAV will be enabled. 

Maximum PROPFIND Depth 

Maximum depth of PROPFIND requests send to collections. 

Lock Database Update Interval 

Interval at which WebDAV lock databases are synced to disk. Use 0 to disable caching of WebDAV lock information. 

Authentication Database 

The ACL authentication database to use. 

Authentication Method 

The authentication method to use. Default authentication method is Basic. 

Authentication Prompt Text 

The prompt to display to clients when requesting authentication. 

DAV ACL Database


Maximum Entries 

Maximum number of ACEs to allow on a single resource. 0–2147.0483647.0. Specify —1 for no limit. 

Maximum Size 

Maximum size of the memory representation of the WebDAV ACL database for a collection. 0–2147.0483647.0. Specify —1 for no limit. 

Update Interval 

Interval at which WebDAV ACL databases are synced to disk. 0.001–3600 seconds. Specify 0 to disable caching of WebDAV ACL lists. 

DAV Property Database


Maximum Size 

Maximum size of WebDAV property database files. 0–2147.0483647.0. Specify —1 for no limit. 

Update Interval 

Interval at which WebDAV property databases are synced to disk. 0.01–3600 seconds. Specify 0 to disable caching of WebDAV properties.