You can enable session replication in a cluster using either the Admin Console or the CLI. Before you enable session replication, make sure that your browser is cookie enabled.
The server.xml file contains the information related to session replication. A sample server.xml file with session replication enabled is given below:
<cluster> <local-host>hostA</local-host> <instance> <host>hostB</host> </instance> <instance> <host>hostC</host> </instance> <instance> <host>hostD</host> </instance> <instance> <host>hostA</host> <session-replication/> </cluster>
If you are using the default values for the following elements, the entry for these elements will not be available in the server.xml configuration file:
Port number (default is 1099) |
Protocol (default is jrmp) |
Encrypted (default is false) |
Getattribute Triggers Replication (default is true) |
Replica Discovery MaxHops (default is –1) |
Startup Discovery Timeout (default is 0. Relies on Java API to get system timimg. In non Unix based operating systems, it may not be accurate.) |
Cookie Name (default is CLUSTERSESSIONLOCATOR) |
For more information about these session replication properties, see the Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.