This section provides a list of all the valid "error-reason" strings and their descriptions:
“Missing or Invalid Config Parameters” : whenever app-path and bind-path are not specified.
“Stub Start Error” : failure to start the Fastcgisub process.
“Stub Connection Failure” : unable to connect to Fastcgistub.
“No Permission” : FastCGI application or the Fastcgisub has no execute permission.
“Stub Request Handling Error” : unable to send the request to stub, received invalid or no response from the stub for a request, and so on.
“Set Parameter Failure” : when set user, group, chroot, nice or other parameters fail.
“Invalid user and/or group” : when user or group is invalid.
“Server Process Creation Failure” : FastCGI application execution failure or the FastCGI application is unable to bind to the specified address.
“Fastcgi Protocol Error” : FastCGI application contains header with invalid FastCGI version or the role.
“Internal Error” : unable to open the file to be sent to the filter application or any other unknown errors..