Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator's Guide

Using PHP

Beginning with PHP 4.3.0, FastCGI became a supported configuration for the PHP engine. To compile the PHP 4.3.x or greater engine with support for FastCGI, include the configure switch --enable-fastcgi as part of the build process, for example:

./configure <other-options> --enable-fastcgi

After compilation, the php binary will be FastCGI enabled.

When using PHP versions 5.1.2 or earlier (including PHP 4.x) the FastCGI plug-in should be configured with bind-path in host:port format. For example, bind-path = “localhost:3333”.

For PHP versions 5.1.3 and later, the bind-path is optional. If specified, it should not be in “host:port” format. It can be a string. For example, bind-path = “myphpbindpath”.