Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator's Guide

Configuring Solaris Cryptographic Framework

This section describes how to configure Solaris cryptographic for use with Web Server.

ProcedureTo Configure Solaris Cryptographic

  1. Remove the ./sunw directory from your machine using the following command:

    %rm -rf $HOME/.sunw

  2. Set a new pin using the following command:

    % pktool setpin Enter new PIN:<type the pin here>

    Re-enter new PIN:<retype the pin again>

  3. Disable the mechanisms in the and files using the following command:



    Note –

    Ensure to disable mechanisms in file, if it is used.

ProcedureTo Register PKCS#11 Library File

  1. Type the following command to add the Solaris crypto framework to network security services (NSS) in the config directory

    $ cd <install-dir>/<instance-dir>/lib/modutil -dbdir <install-dir>/<instance-dir>/config -nocertdb -add "scf" -libfile /usr/lib/ -mechanisms RSA

  2. Verify the registration using the following command:

    $cd <install-dir>/<instance-dir>/lib/modutil -dbdir <install-dir>/<instance-dir>/config -nocertdb -list

    Listing of PKCS #11 Modules
    1. NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module
         slots: 2 slots attached
             status: loaded
              slot: NSS Internal Cryptographic Services
             token: NSS Generic Crypto Services
              slot: NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services
             token: NSS Certificate DB
       2. scf
             library name: /usr/lib/
              slots: 1 slot attached
             status: loaded
              slot: Sun Crypto Softtoken
             token: Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken
       3. Root Certs
             library name:
              slots: There are no slots attached to this module
             status: Not loaded

    For more information on creating server certificates, see Requesting a Certificate

    If certificates exists in the NSS database, you can export or import the certificates using the following pk12util command:

    $pk12util -o server.pk12 -d . -n <server-cert>

    $pk12util -i server.pk12 -d . -h "Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken"

    Note –

    By default, certutil/pk12util searches the databases for cert8.db and key3.db. Add -P as the prefix for the Web Server, which uses the alternate names https-instance-hostname-cert8.db and https-instance-hostname-key3.db.

ProcedureTo Enable and Bypass PKCS#11 Tokens

  1. From the home page, click the Configurations tab.

  2. In the Configuration page, click the configuration that you want to enable the PKCS#11 and Allow Bypass option.

  3. Click the Certificates tab.

  4. Click the PKCS#11 Tokens sub tab.

  5. In General Settings, select the check boxes to enable PKCS#11 and Allow Bypass.

  6. Click the Save button.

    See CLI reference, set-pkcs11-prop(1).

Creating a Self-Signed Certificate Using CLI and Enabling SSL

Start the wadm from the installation directory and perform the following steps:

$wadm --user=admin
Please enter admin-user-password>enter the administration serverpassword


Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken

$wadm>create-selfsigned-cert --nickname=MyCert 
--token="Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken"
Please enter token-pin>enter the password

CLI201 Command 'create-selfsigned-cert' ran successfully

$wadm>set-ssl-prop --http-listener=http-listener-1 enabled=true 
server-cert-nickname="Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken:MyCert"
CLI201 Command 'set-ssl-prop' ran successfully

CLI201 Command 'deploy-config' ran success

Start the Administration Server.

$ <install-dir>/<instance-dir>/bin/startserv
Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 B07/04/2010 02:06

Please enter the PIN for the "Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken" token:enter the password
info: HTTP3072: http-listener-1: ready to accept requests
info: CORE3274: successful server startup