Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 NSAPI Developer's Guide

Request Data Structure

The Request data structure describes an HTTP transaction, for example, the variables include the client's HTTP request headers.

typedef struct{
    */Server working variables */
    pblock *vars;

    /* The method, URI, and protocol revision of this request */
    pblock *reqpb;

    /* Protocol specific headers */
    int loadhdrs;
    pblock *headers;

    /* Server's response headers */
    int senthdrs;
    pblock *srvhdrs;

    /* The object set constructed to fulfill this request */
    httpd_objset *os;
} Request;

The following list describes the most important fields in the Request data structure:

Note –

The Request NSAPI data structure cannot be used concurrently by multiple threads. Do not retain any references to a Request or its contents after processing of the current request.