Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

Mapping Web Server 6.1 Tuning Parameters to Web Server 7.0

Many of the tuning parameters that were tunable by editing the magnus.conf and nsfc.conf files in Web Server 6.1 have moved to the server.xml file. These tuning parameters are now tunable through the Admin Console and command-line interface. The following table shows selected tuning parameters, including the Web Server 6.1 parameter, the new server.xml element used for tuning, and the way to change the parameters through the user interface. Editing the server.xml file directly can be error-prone, so using the user interface to set values is preferable. For a complete list of all elements in server.xml, see Chapter 3, Elements in server.xml, in Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Configuration File Reference.

Table 2–1 Parameter Mapping to server.xml

Web Server 6.1 parameter 

Web Server 7.0 server.xml element or attribute

Admin Console Location  

wadm command

AcceptTimeout in magnus.conf

io-timeout element of the http element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP Settings page 

set-http-prop command's io-timeout property

ACLGroupCacheSize in magnus.conf

max-groups-per-user element of the acl-cache element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ Cache Settings page 

set-acl-cache-prop command's max-groups-per-user property

ACLUserCacheSize in magnus.conf

max-users element of the acl-cache element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ Cache Settings page 

set-acl-cache-prop command's max-users property

ConnQueueSize in magnus.conf

queue-size element of the thread-pool element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP tab 

set-thread-pool-prop command's queue-size property

dns-cache-init Init SAF

enabled element of the dns-cache element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ DNS tab 

set-dns-cache-prop command's enabled property

dns-cache-init Init SAF cache size

max-entries element of the dns-cache element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ DNS tab 

set-dns-cache-prop command's max-entries property

FileCacheEnabled in nsfc.conf

enabled element of the file-cache element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ Cache tab 

set-file-cache-prop command's enabled property

KeepAliveThreads in magnus.conf

threads element of the keep-alive element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP tab 

set-keep-alive-prop command's threads property

KeepAliveTimeout in magnus.conf

timout element of the keep-alive element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP tab 

set-keep-alive-prop command's timeout property

KernelThreads in magnus.conf (Windows only)



ListenQ in magnus.conf

listen-queue-size element of the http-listener element

Configuration's HTTP Listeners tab 

set-http-listener-prop command's listen-queue-size

LogVerbose in magnus.conf

log-level element of the log element

Configuration's General Tab ⇒ Log Settings 

set-error-log-prop command's log-level property

MaxAge in nsfc.conf file

max-age element of the file-cache element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ Cache tab 

set-file-cache-prop command's max-age property

MaxFiles in nsfc.conf file

max-entries element of the file-cache element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ Cache tab 

set-file-cache-prop command's max-entries property

MaxKeepAliveConnections in magnus.conf

max-connections element of the keep-alive element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP tab 

set-keep-alive-prop command's max-connections property

MaxProcs in magnus.conf

Deprecated for Java technology-enabled servers 


NativePoolMaxThreads in magnus.conf



NativePoolMinThreads in magnus.conf



NativePoolQueueSize in magnus.conf



NativePoolStackSize in magnus.conf



RqThrottle in magnus.conf

max-threads element of the thread-pool element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP tab 

set-thread-pool-prop command's max-threads property

RqThrottleMin in magnus.conf

min-threads element of the thread-pool element

Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP tab 

set-thread-pool-prop command's min-threads property

TerminateTimeout in magnus.conf
