Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Release Notes

Issues Resolved in 7.0 Update 3

The following table lists the issues resolved in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 3.

Problem ID



Cannot access shell/system variables from wadm.


User and password dialog presented instead of directory index.

By default, Web Server 7.0 does not send a directory index unless the user has been authenticated. Attempting to access a directory prompts the user to enter a user name and password. This occurs because the default Access Control List (ACL) in Web Server 7.0 grants the list access right only to authenticated users. 


Clicking on the Version button in the Admin Console result in “file not found” warning in Administration error logs.


When a single user in group is deleted, an incorrect message “Group Saved Successfully" is displayed.


Web Server should store its pid file and UNIX domain sockets in /var/run instead of /tmp.


No obvious way to reset the administration server password.


[JESMF CONFORM] CP when stopping should call MfManagedElementServer_stop().


Admin Server does not time-out if the server instance restart does not respond.

On UNIX systems, the Administration Server waits until the server instance is restarted when the restart-instance command is executed. If the instance is not successfully restarted, the Administration Server does not respond to requests.


SNMP master agent process fails to start on Web Server


On Windows, wdeploy command fails if older version of libnspr4.dll is found in the system32 directory.


Web Server installer should import the admin self signed certificate into IE certificate tab.

When the Admin console is accessed using a browser, a pop-up (in the case of IE6 and Mozilla/Firefox) or a warning page (IE7) may be displayed stating that the certificate is not issued by a trusted certificate authority. This is because, the administration server uses a self-signed certificate. To proceed to the Administration GUI login page, do the following:  

  • On Mozilla/Firefox, click on the OK button in the pop-up window.

  • On Internet Explorer 6, click on the Yes button in the pop-up window.

  • On Internet Explorer 7, click on the "Continue to this website" link in the page.

The above procedure will accept the certificate temporarily for that browser session. 

To accept the certificate permanently, follow the steps below: 

  • On Firefox/Mozilla:

    Select the "Accept this certificate permanently" radio button in the pop-up window and click OK.

  • On Internet Explorer 6.0:

    1. Click on the "View Certificate" button in the pop-up window.

      Displays another pop-up window.

    2. Select the "Certification Path" tab, select the admin-ca-cert.

    3. Click on the "View Certificate" button and then on "Install Certificate..." button.

      Invokes the certificate import wizard using which you can import the admin CA certificate into the trusted root certificate database.

  • On Internet Explorer 7:

    1. Click on the "Continue to this website" link on the warning page.

      The login page is displayed.

    2. Click on the "Certificate Error" link located next to the address bar.

      A warning window is displayed. Click on the "View certificates" link.

    3. Follow the steps 1 to 3 as described in the section "On Internet Explorer 6" to import the admin CA certificate into the trusted root certificate database.


Create self signed certificate fails when the "Sun Metaslot" pin is not set


GUI Registration reminder doesn't show up properly on IE6

IE6 select element does not support z-index which is necessary for layering to work. Thus, if there is a layer, registration reminder, overlapping the drop downs (config and vs) , the drop downs will still be visible. 


Connection queue size set by server for 1024 max file descriptor is very less (128)

Web Server reserves the file descriptors for various components. If connection pool queue size, file cache max open files and keep-alive max connections are not set, then after reserving file descriptors for other components, Web Server divides the available descriptors among three. On systems where default value of max file descriptor is low, for example, Solaris 8 and RHEL, the connection pool size might be set to a low value. For example, on RHEL, the default value of max file descriptors is 1024. If the connection queue size is not assigned, then Web Server assigns 128 connections to connection queue. The value can be very low on busy systems. If connections starts timing out, users should set higher value for max file descriptors. 


Memory leak in Fastcgistub causes hang in the Fastcgi sub-system


Exception installing Web Server on Ubuntu.

On Linux Ubuntu, the package which contains the /bin/domainname is not available by default. You must install these packages for the Web Server installation to succeed.

To install the package, type the following command: 

sudo apt-get install nis


Web Server cannot be installed without installing compat-libstdc++.


REDHAT ES4.0 Linux 64-bit installation fails by having compat-libstdc++-33-3* (64-bit)version


On Windows, Web Server installation should use -Xrs JVM option by default.

Workaround:For more information on this fix, see Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 Administrator’s Guide.


Unclear error message if CLI and Administration Server versions are incompatible.

While upgrading Web Server 7.0 installation to Web Server 7.0 Update 2 , make sure that the entire setup CLI, Administration Server and all the Administration Nodes are also upgraded to Web Server 7.0 Update 2. This is because, Web Server 7.0 administration interfaces will not work correctly with Web Server 7.0 Update 2 administration interfaces. 


The Admin console does not add the required functions in the obj.conf file for a migrated instance.

When a JVM disabled Web Server 6.0 instance is migrated to Web Server 7.0 and when the migrated instance is enabled with the JVM option using the Admin console, the process does not add the following necessary lines in obj.conf file.

NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
PathCheck fn="find-index-j2ee"
ObjectType fn="type-j2ee"
Error fn="error-j2ee"


On Windows, server fails to start after upgrading from Web Server 7 that is part of the Java ES 5 release to Web Server 7.0 Update 2 release using the patch.


Security patch 121656-16 is a mandatory perquisite for Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Linux patch on Java ES 5/U1.

However, the security patch exhibits cyclic dependency, hence making it impossible to apply any of the patches. 


Upgrade fails when upgrading to U2 when no sample apps is present in the existing installation.

On non-windows platforms (Solaris, Linux and HP-UX), if you have installed Web Server 7.0 or 7.0 update 1 without sample applications and if you upgrade to Web Server 7.0 update 2, you will see the following error message:  

A problem occurred during upgrade. To troubleshoot the problem, review the installation log at: <install-dir>/setup/Sun_Java_System_Web_Server_install.log

Note –

This error does not impact the upgrade.


Sample applications documentation must mention adding jar file to the class path in the properties file.

In the install-dir/samples/java/webapps/security/jdbcrealm/docs/index.html, under 'Compiling and Assembling the Application' section, there must be a mention of adding JDBC driver jar file to class path suffix in the file.


server.xml does not store the full file pattern for converting and including search .

The schema does not store the full file pattern allowed by both the Admin Console and the search administration tools in this version of the Web Server. It also has no way to represent the full file pattern that might sometimes need migration from the previous versions of the Web Server.  


On Red Hat Linux Enterprise Linux 5, Search functionality does not work properly.

On a Red Hat Enterprise Linux machine, if the compat-libstdc++ library is installed, you must remove the installed rpm and download/install the compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2.i386.rpm .

For x86 32–bit and 64–bit download and install the compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2.i386.rpm.

Note –

Do not download/install an rpm from unreliable sources as it may lead to security vulnerabilities.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux instance fails to start when the file system SELinux security is enabled.

Newer Linux distributions have new kernel security extensions enabled from the SELinux project. These extensions allow finer grained control over system security. However, SELinux also changes some default system behaviors, such as shared library loading that can be problematic to third-party programs. If you receive the error message “Cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied" when starting the Web Server Admin Server or instance, that means the system is SELinux enabled. 


  1. Change the default security context for the libraries loaded by the Web Server by typing the following command:

    chcon -t texrel_shlib_t $WS_DIR/lib/*.so
  2. Disable SELinux by adding the following line to the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file.



Sun crypto 1000 with Web Server needs Solaris 10 patch 125465-02 (SPARC) and 125466-02 (x86).


Servlet container collects statistics when stats enabled element is set to false in the server.xml file.


JSF Web Applications running on Web Server 7.0 may break when running on Web Server 7.0 Update 1.

Web Server 7.0 Update 1 ships with JavaServer Faces 1.2 technology. All JavaServer Faces web applications are expected to work with Web Server 7.0 Update 1 without any modifications. However, there are a few known compatibility issues with JavaServer Faces 1.2 and might require applications to be modified to address these incompatibilities. The incompatibilities are documented in the JavaServer Faces release notes at:

Java ES 5 Portal Server users are suggested to delay upgrading to Web Server 7.0 Update 1 until Java ES 5 Update 1 is released.  


On Windows 2003, when a command is executed from the CLI, the message is not encoded correctly.


FastCGI Handler new Role is always created with "English" name.


Unlocalized strings are seen in CGI settings page.


CLI installer "Enter your option" is in English in localization locale.


Portal Server configures JVM stack size to 128K (too low) for Web Server 7.0 64–bit to start.

If Web Server 7.0 is already configured in 64–bit mode, and the Portal Server installation is started, Portal Server configuration does not set stack size to 128K. However, if both Portal Server and Web Server are already installed and configured in 32–bit mode, switching to 64–bit mode involve series of manual steps that are described in the Workaround section. 


schemagen/xjc/wsgen/wsimport scripts not present in Java ES Web Server installation.

schemagen/xjc/wsgen/wsimport scripts are present in different locations in Java ES installation and stand-alone installation of Web Server.


When upgrading Java ES 5 software to Java ES 5 Update 1, Portal Server samples fail with JSF exceptions if you have upgraded only Web Server but not the Portal Server.

For more information, see Compatibility Issues.


SMF commands removes Java ES environment from startserv and stopserv scripts (Solaris 10 only).


Web Server running on Windows contains no description for the service and the description is not updated after applying Java ES Update 1 patches.


Streaming data (>2GB) to server using POST has problems. request.getInputStream().read() returns -1


Samples bundled with WS 7.0 cannot be used for experimenting session replication feature


Transfer-encoding header is sent after the body has been sent for fastcgi-perl.


iWS7.0U1 - Page-encoding is not case sensitive capable, e.g. utf-8 is different from UTF-8


servlet container implementation of encode/decode cookies has changed from >= SJSWS6.1


Streaming data (>2GB) to server using POST has problems. request.getInputStream().read() returns -1


Uploading file > 2MB is limited by java webcontainer.


web 7.0 u2 jdbc resource settings do not allow -1 in maximum wait time and idle time out


JDBC resource pool of web70 doesn't work as expected after restarting RDB.


Can't redirect the stderr message from FastCGI into error log.

The data sent from FastCGI to stderr is not logged into the error log.


compress-file function lacks documentation (SJSWS7.0)


web server documentation needs to be more specific on filter it's scope and what they are


server goes into a loop given a particular htaccess configuration


filter is applied twice when a web-apps 's welcome file list is accessed as /contextroot

When a welcome file is accessed as /context-root, filters present are applied twice.


web 7.0 u2 patch 125437-13 should doc pre-requisite of nss patch 3.11.8 or above as needed


pull-config garbles binary file in config/ directory due to tokenizing (SJSWS7.0u2)


instance does not start if the user has certain umask settings during installation


es, fr - OLH is not displaying, exception thrown


Webserver crashing configured with an NFS-mounted docroot directory

Web Server crashes if NFS file is removed or replaced, while using NFS and MediumFileSizeLimit >0. Therefore, you should not use MediumFileSizeLimit>0, if the document root is mounted over NFS.


When Web Server documents are residing on an NFS mount, as in NFS client, set MediumFileSizeLimit to 0 in nsfc.conf.