Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Administration Guide

Pausing a Broker

Pausing a broker suspends the broker’s connection service threads, which causes the broker to stop listening on the connection ports. As a result, the broker will no longer be able to accept new connections, receive messages, or dispatch messages.

However, pausing a broker does not suspend the admin connection service, letting you perform administration tasks needed to regulate the flow of messages to the broker. Pausing a broker also does not suspend the cluster connection service. However message delivery within a cluster depends on the delivery functions performed by the different brokers in the cluster. Therefore, pausing a broker in a cluster might result in a slowing of some message traffic.

This is the syntax of the pause bkr subcommand:

imqcmd pause bkr [-b hostName:

The command pauses the default broker or a broker at the specified host and port.

The following command pauses the broker running on myhost at port 1588.

imqcmd pause bkr -b myhost:1588 -u admin

You can also pause individual connection services and individual physical destinations. For more information, see Pausing and Resuming a Connection Service and Pausing and Resuming Physical Destinations.