Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Administration Guide

Java Virtual Machine Adjustments

By default, the broker uses a JVM heap size of 192MB. This is often too small for significant message loads and should be increased.

When the broker gets close to exhausting the JVM heap space used by Java objects, it uses various techniques such as flow control and message swapping to free memory. Under extreme circumstances it even closes client connections in order to free the memory and reduce the message inflow. Hence it is desirable to set the maximum JVM heap space high enough to avoid such circumstances.

However, if the maximum Java heap space is set too high, in relation to system physical memory, the broker can continue to grow the Java heap space until the entire system runs out of memory. This can result in diminished performance, unpredictable broker crashes, and/or affect the behavior of other applications and services running on the system. In general, you need to allow enough physical memory for the operating system and other applications to run on the machine.

In general it is a good idea to evaluate the normal and peak system memory footprints, and configure the Java heap size so that it is large enough to provide good performance, but not so large as to risk system memory problems.

To change the minimum and maximum heap size for the broker, use the -vmargs command line option when starting the broker. For example:

/usr/bin/imqbrokerd -vmargs "-Xms256m -Xmx1024m"

This command will set the starting Java heap size to 256MB and the maximum Java heap size to 1GB.

In any case, verify settings by checking the broker’s log file or using the imqcmd metrics bkr -m cxn command.