Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Developer's Guide for Java Clients

Durable Subscribers

To receive messages delivered to a publish/subscribe topic while no message consumer is active, you must ask the message broker to create a durable subscriber for that topic. All sessions that create such subscribers for a given topic must have the same client identifier (see Using Connections ). When you create a durable subscriber, you supply a subscriber name that must be unique for that client identifier:

        myConsumer = mySession.createDurableSubscriber(myDest, "mySub");

(The object returned by the createDurableSubscriber method is actually typed as TopicSubscriber, but since that is a subinterface of MessageConsumer, you can safely assign it to a MessageConsumer variable. Note, however, that the destination myDest must be a publish/subscribe topic and not a point-to-point queue.)

You can think of a durable subscriber as a “virtual message consumer” for the specified topic, identified by the unique combination of a client identifier and subscriber name. When a message arrives for the topic and no message consumer is currently active for it, the message will be retained for later delivery. Whenever you create a consumer with the given client identifier and subscriber name, it will be considered to represent this same durable subscriber and will receive all of the accumulated messages that have arrived for the topic in the subscriber’s absence. Each message is retained until it is delivered to (and acknowledged by) such a consumer or until it expires.

Note –

Only one session at a time can have an active consumer for a given durable subscription. If another such consumer already exists, the createDurableSubscriber method will throw an exception.

Like the createConsumer method described in the preceding section (which creates nondurable subscribers), createDurableSubscriber can accept an optional message selector string and a boolean argument telling whether to suppress the delivery of messages published by the subscriber’s own connection:

String  mySelector = "/* Text of selector here */";
MessageConsumer  myConsumer
                    = mySession.createDurableSubscriber(myDest, "mySub",
                                                        mySelector, true);

You can change the terms of a durable subscription by creating a new subscriber with the same client identifier and subscription name but with a different topic, selector, or both. The effect is as if the old subscription were destroyed and a new one created with the same name. When you no longer need a durable subscription, you can destroy it with the session method unsubscribe:
