Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Technical Overview

Cluster Synchronization

Whenever a cluster’s configuration is changed, information about the change is automatically propagated to all brokers in the cluster. A cluster configuration changes when one of the following events occurs:

Information about these changes is propagated immediately to all brokers in the cluster that are online at the time of the change. However, a broker that is offline (one that has crashed, for example) will not receive notice of the change when it occurs. To accommodate offline brokers, Message Queue maintains a configuration change record for the cluster, recording all persistent entities (destinations and durable subscriptions) that have been created or destroyed. When an offline broker comes back online (or when a new broker is added to the cluster), it consults this record for information about destinations and durable subscribers, then exchanges information with other brokers about currently active message consumers.

One broker in the cluster, designated as the master broker, is responsible for maintaining the configuration change record. Because other brokers cannot complete their initialization without the master broker, it should always be the first broker started within the cluster. If the master broker goes offline, configuration information cannot be propagated throughout the cluster, because other brokers cannot access the configuration change record. Under these conditions, you will get an exception if you try to create, reconfigure, or destroy a destination or a durable subscription or attempt a related operation such as reactivating a durable subscription. (Non-administrative message delivery continues to work normally, however.) The use of a master broker and a configuration change record is optional. They are only required if you are concerned with cluster synchronization after cluster configuration changes or a broker failure.