Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Technical Overview

SOAP Support for Java Clients

Message Queue Java clients are also able to send and receive SOAP messages, wrapped as JMS messages. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) allows the exchange of structured data between two peers in a distributed environment. The data exchanged is specified by an XML scheme.

Sun SOAP processing is currently limited to using a point-to-point model and does not guarantee reliability. By wrapping a SOAP message in a JMS message and routing it using the broker, you can take advantage of full featured Message Queue messaging which guarantees reliable delivery and allows you to use the topic as well as the point-to-point domain. Message Queue provides utility routines that a message producer can use to wrap a SOAP message into a JMS message and that a message consumer can use to extract a SOAP message from the JMS message.

Working with SOAP Messages gives you a more detailed view of SOAP message processing.