Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Technical Overview

ProcedureTo Get Reliable SOAP Messaging

  1. Use the objects defined in the java.xml.soap package to construct a SOAP message, or use the servlet defined in thejavax.xml.messaging package to receive a SOAP message, or use a web service like JAX-RPC to receive a SOAP message.

  2. Use the Message Transformer utility to convert the SOAP message into a JMS message.

  3. Send the JMS message to the desired destination.

  4. Consume the JMS message asynchronously or synchronously.

  5. After the JMS message is consumed, use the Message Transformer utility to convert it into a SOAP message.

  6. Use the SAAJ API (defined in the java.xml.soap package) to disassemble the SOAP message.

    For detailed information about SOAP messages and their processing, see Chapter 5, Working with SOAP Messages, in Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 UR1 Developer’s Guide for Java Clients.