Sun Java System Communications Services 2005Q4 Release Notes


This section describes known issues in the Communications Services and Messaging Server-specific documentation.

Correction to bug 5076486 regarding imadmin user purge with iPlanet Delegated Administrator 1.2 Patch 2 (6307201).

You are able to use the imadmin user purge command with iPlanet Delegated Administrator 1.2 Patch 2 and Messaging Server 6.x. This legacy version of Delegated Administrator should not be confused with the current Delegated Administrator product documented in Chapter Chapter 4, Sun Java System Communications Services Delegated Administrator 6 2005Q4 Release Notes. To use the legacy version of Delegated Administrator, you need to follow the procedures outlined in the iPlanet Delegated Administrator installation documentation on along with the following modification:

Change the MsgSvrN-cgipath line in the iDA_install_directory/nda/classes/netscape/nda/servlet/ file to MsgSvr0–cgipath=msg-config/Tasks/operation and restart the Web Server.

If you are running on a cluster, be sure that the Administration Server is running on the same node as Messaging Server (See bug 6306637 for more information).

No documentation available on new shared defragment database feature. (5091281)

No documentation available on a new feature whereby MTA systems can share the defragment database and thereby defragmentation can be done on MTA systems instead of the store system.