Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Quick Start Guide

Application Server Administration Tools

To enable administrators to manage server instances and clusters running on multiple hosts, Application Server provides these tools:

These tools connect to a server called the Domain Administration Server, a specially designated Application Server instance that intermediates in all administrative tasks. The Domain Administration Server (DAS) provides a single secure interface for validating and executing administrative commands regardless of which interface is used.

A domain is a collection of configuration data, deployed applications, and machines with a designated administrator. The domain definition describes and can control the operation of several applications, stand-alone application server instances, and clusters, potentially spread over multiple machines. When the DAS is installed, a default domain called domain1 is always installed. You work with the default domain in this guide.

The Application Server software offers a variety of command-line tools for performing administrative functions, in addition to the Admin Console. To launch a tool, type the name of the tool in a command window. Table 1–1 lists tools by name in the first column and describes them in the second column.

Table 1–1 Command-Line Tools

Name of Tool 



Launches the Application Client Container and invokes the client application packaged in the application Java archive (JAR) file. 


Launches the Application Server administration tool that provides a set of subcommands for configuring the Application Server software.  


Launches the Jakarta Ant tool, so that you can automate repetitive development and deployment tasks. 


Compiles Java sources with Java EE annotations. The tool automatically invokes the wsimport command.


Application Server administration tool for upgrading the Application Server software. 


Extracts schema information from a database and produces a schema file that the server can use for Container Managed Persistence (CMP). 


Compiles JSP pages. 


Packages the application client container libraries and JAR files. 


Creates a schema file for each namespace referenced in your Java classes. 


Validates the Java EE deployment descriptors with the DTDs. 

This tool also provides a graphical user interface. To see the GUI, specify the -u option.

Some Windows systems launch a driver verifier utility with the same name. To launch the Application Server verifier, you must be in the as-install/bin directory.


Takes the service definition interface and generates the client stubs or server-side skeletons for JAX-RPC; or generates a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) description for the provided interface. 


Generates an implementation-specific, ready-to-deploy WAR file for web services applications that use JAX-RPC. 


Reads a web service endpoint class and generates all the required artifacts for web service deployment and invocation. 


Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts, such as service endpoint interfaces (SEIs), services, exception classes mapped from the wsdl:fault and soap:headerfault tags, asynchronous response beans derived from the wsdl:message tag, and JAXB generated value types.


Transforms, or binds, a source XML schema to a set of JAXB content classes in the Java programming language. 

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