Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Quick Start Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Cluster using CLI Commands

  1. Create a cluster called cluster1 by running the following asadmin command: asadmin create-cluster --user admin --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --host localhost -port 4848 cluster1

  2. Creates a cluster called cluster1 by running the following asadmin command: asadmin create-cluster --user admin --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --host localhost -port 4848 cluster1

  3. Create a node-agent called cluster1-nodeagent by running the following command: asadmin create-node-agent --user admin --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 4848 cluster1-nodeagent

  4. Start this node-agent by running the following command: asadmin start-node-agent --user admin --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 4848 cluster1-nodeagent

  5. Create two instances under the cluster by running the following commands:

    • asadmin create-instance --user admin --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --host localhost -port 4848 --cluster cluster1 --nodeagent cluster1-nodeagent --systemproperties "JMX_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_PORT=8687:IIOP_LISTENER_PORT=3330:IIOP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT=4440:IIOP_SSL_ MUTUALAUTH_PORT=5550:HTTP_LISTENER_PORT=1110:HTTP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT=2220" instance1

    • asadmin create-instance --user admin --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --host localhost -port 4848 --cluster cluster1 --nodeagent cluster1-nodeagent --systemproperties "JMX_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_PORT=8688:IIOP_LISTENER_PORT=3331:IIOP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT=4441:IIOP_SSL_ MUTUALAUTH_PORT=5551:HTTP_LISTENER_PORT=1111:HTTP_SSL_LISTENER_PORT=2221" instance2

  6. Start the cluster by running the following command: asadmin start-cluster --user admin --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 4848 cluster1

    See Chapter 6, Using Application Server Clusters, in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 High Availability Administration Guide for detailed information on creating and configuring clusters.

    SeeChapter 8, Configuring Node Agents, in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 High Availability Administration Guide for detailed information on creating and configuring node agents.