Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Release Notes


This issue is not encountered if command line installation mode is used to run upgrade in place.

  1. If you ran upgrade in place in GUI mode and encountered this problem, exit the installer by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal window in which the installer was started.

  2. Start upgrade tool from the terminal window, using following command:

    install_dir/bin/asupgrade --source install_dir/domains --target 
    install_dir --adminuser adminuser --adminpassword adminpassword 
    --masterpassword changeit

    adminuser and adminpassword should match the values used for the installation you are upgrading.

  3. When the upgrade tool completes the upgrade process you can also start the browser and enter following URL in order to review About page:


If you also selected the installation option to register the product, follow the link to registration page available on product About page.