The Java EE 5 Tutorial

Building, Deploying, and Running the consumeremote Modules Using Ant

    To package the modules using Ant, perform these steps:

  1. Go to the following directory:

  2. Type the following command:


    This command creates a JAR file that contains the bean class file and the sun-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor file.

  3. Go to the jupiterclient directory:

    cd ../jupiterclient
  4. Type the following command:


    This target creates a JAR file that contains the client class file and a manifest file.

    To deploy the earthmdb module, perform these steps:

  1. Change to the directory earthmdb:

    cd ../earthmdb
  2. Type the following command:

    ant deploy

    To copy the jupiterclient module to the remote system, perform these steps:

  1. Change to the directory jupiterclient/dist:

    cd ../jupiterclient/dist
  2. Type a command like the following:

    cp jupiterclient.jar F:/

    That is, copy the client JAR file to a location on the remote filesystem.

    To run the client, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the directory on the remote system (jupiter) where you copied the client JAR file.

  2. Use the following command:

    appclient -client jupiterclient.jar

On jupiter, the output of the appclient command looks like this:

Sending message: This is message 1
Sending message: This is message 2
Sending message: This is message 3

On earth, the output in the server log looks something like this (wrapped in logging information):

MESSAGE BEAN: Message received: This is message 1
MESSAGE BEAN: Message received: This is message 2
MESSAGE BEAN: Message received: This is message 3

    Undeploy the message-driven bean after you finish running the client. To undeploy the earthmdb module, perform these steps:

  1. Change to the directory earthmdb.

  2. Type the following command:

    ant undeploy

You can also delete the jupiterclient.jar file from the remote filesystem.

To remove the generated files, use the following command in both the earthmdb and jupiterclient directories:

ant clean