Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Installation Guide

Running the Uninstallation Program

Before you run the uninstallation program, stop all clustered instances and node agents, if any, and then stop all domains. If you do not stop all domains before the uninstallation, orphaned processes might exist on your system after the uninstallation. On UNIX, identify the processes using the ps -ef command and terminate them using the kill command. Stop the HADB and any associated ma processes, if you are using HADB.

To uninstall the Application Server software, perform the following steps.

ProcedureTo Run the Uninstallation Program on UNIX or Linux

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have stopped all domains and other related processes, command prompts using the installation directory or its subdirectories, and any applications using Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) files bundled with the product.

  1. Navigate to your Application Server installation directory.

  2. Invoke the uninstallation program as follows:

    • To use the uninstallation that has a graphical interface, at the command prompt, type:


    • To use the uninstallation that has a command-line interface, at the command prompt, type:

      ./uninstall -console

    Note –

    Use the -javahome option to provide a path to a JRE installation if the uninstaller is unable to locate it on your machine.

ProcedureTo Run the Uninstallation Program on Windows

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have stopped all domains and other related processes, and command prompts using the installation directory or its subdirectories, and any applications using Java SE files bundled with the product.

  1. Invoke the Uninstallation program in one of the following ways:

    • Under the Sun Microsystems, Application Server program group in the Start Programs area of your desktop, click Uninstall.

    • Invoke the uninstall program through the Control Panel:

      1. Navigate to the Control Panel.

      2. Choose Add/Remove Programs.

      3. From the list of installed programs, select Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition.

      4. Click Remove.

Next Steps

After you uninstallation is complete, carefully examine the installation directory contents and remove the remaining files or directories that you do not require.