Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Install the Load Balancing Plug-in (standalone)

Use the procedures in this section if the load balancing plug-in is not part of the Application Server distribution you are using. If you are using the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (bundle with HADB), see To Install Application Server 9.1 with HADB for instructions for installing the load balancing plug-in.

The load balancing plug-in is not currently bundled with the GlassFish v2Application Server. If you want load balancing capabilities, you can download the load balancing plug-in from the following locations:

  1. Before you install the load balancer plug-in, ensure that you have installed a supported web server. For a list of supported web servers, see Web Servers in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Release Notes.

  2. Create the lbplugin directory within <glassfish_install_dir>/lib.

  3. Unjar this file in the lbplugin directory. Run the following command: jar -xvf <lbplugin>.jar.

  4. Unzip the following two files: and in the same directory. Delete the zip files.

  5. Change permissions on all shared libraries within lbplugin directory. Run the following command: chmod -R 755 ${glassfish.home}/lib/lbplugin/lib.

  6. Create a configuration for the load balancer. See Setting up Load Balancing in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Quick Start Guide.

  7. Restart the Web Server after creating a configuration for the load balancer.

Next Steps

You need to configure Web Server for load balancing. For detailed instructions on manually configuring Web Server for load balancing, see Configuring Sun Java System Web Server in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 High Availability Administration Guide.