Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide

Configuring JMS Provider Properties

Use the JMS Service page in the Admin Console to configure properties to be used by all JMS connections. In the Admin Console, select Configurations >Java Message Service. In the JMS Service page, you can control the following general JMS settings.

Values of all these properties can be updated at run time too. However, only those connection factories that are created after the properties are updated, will get the updated values. The existing connection factories will continue to have the original property values. Also, for almost all of the values to take effect, the application server needs to be restarted. The only property that can be updated without having to restart the application server is the default JMS host.

To manage JMS providers using the command-line utility, use the set or jms-ping commands.

Accessing Remote Servers

Changing the provider and host to a remote system causes all JMS applications to run on the remote server. To use both the local server and one or more remote servers, create a connection factory resource with the AddressList property to create connections that access remote servers.