Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide

Profiler and SSL Commands

The Profiler and SSL commands allow you to administrate profilers and SSL client configurations. These commands are supported in remote mode only.

Table C–10 Profiler and SSL Commands




Creates the profiler element. A server instance is tied to a particular profiler, by the profiler element in the Java configuration. Changing a profiler requires you to restart the server. 


Deletes the profiler element you specify. A server instance is tied to a particular profiler by the profiler element in the Java configuration. Changing a profiler requires you to restart the server. 


Creates and configures the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service to enable secure communication on that listener/service. 


Deletes the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service.