Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Use the asadmin monitor Command to View Monitoring Data

asadmin has two ways of viewing monitoring data. The first is to use the monitor command. This command prints out the commonly-monitored statistics, and has options for filtering out statistics and capture the output in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.

  1. To view monitoring data, use the monitor command, and specify the type of monitoring data: httplistener, keepalive, filecache, connectionqueue, jdbcpool, jvm, threadpool, servlet, connection, connectorpool, endpoint, entitybean, messagedriven, statefulsession, statelesssession, httpservice, or webmodule.

    For example, to view data for jvm on server, enter the following:

    asadmin>monitor --type jvm --user adminuser server

                                   JVM Monitoring
    UpTime(ms)                                    HeapSize(bytes)    
    current                   min        max        low        high       count    
    327142979                 0          531628032  0          45940736   45940736  
  2. To view monitoring data and send the output to a CSV file, use the filename option. For example:

    asadmin> monitor --type jvm --filename myoutputfile --user adminuser server